MC Eastern Canada History
With celebration and excitement, but also with some nervousness and laments, three Mennonite conferences in Ontario came together to form Mennonite Conference of Eastern Canada on March 1, 1988. Peace, education and mission were areas that had already drawn Mennonite Conference of Ontario and Quebec, Western Ontario Mennonite Conference and Conference of United Mennonite Churches in Ontario, alongside the Mennonite Mission Board of Ontario, to work together.
It was in that spirit and with careful groundwork that Mennonite Conference of Eastern Canada officially inaugurated on March 1, 1988. In October 2001 MCEC changed its name to Mennonite Church Eastern Canada in recognition of the transformation of the Mennonite Church and General Conference Mennonite Church into Mennonite Church USA and Mennonite Church Canada.
Many initiatives and programs have had a great impact across MCEC. A Vacation Bible School troupe that travelled across MCEC nurtured leadership development and discipleship as young adults taught throughout the summer. Mennofolk, a young adult music festival, was a highlight for many; Mission Festivals encouraged and highlighted mission throughout MCEC. The Micah Fund responded to government cuts to social services and welfare and The Giving Project highlighted Christian stewardship teaching. Youth ministry retreats and events nurtured many future pastors who now minister within MCEC congregations.
Current day initiates, like the Transitioning into Ministry program, support pastors who are new to ministry or new to MCEC. ReLearning Community encourages us to question assumptions about discipleship as we engage those around us with the gospel story. Informed Conversations urges congregations to find God’s leading for their context.
MCEC has become an increasingly multicultural church body. Congregations have roots in many areas in the world – Myanmar, Russia, Colombia, Laos, Sri Lanka, El Salvador, Switzerland, and more. There are many challenges and blessings as we move toward being an intercultural body.
As Congregations have joined, closed or left MCEC, God has remained faithful. Today we have 105 congregations across Ontario, Quebec and New Brunswick together extending the peace of Jesus Christ while making disciples, growing congregations and forming leaders. To God be the glory!