Weekly News
Welcome! Here you will find all the news and events that your congregation will need for the week - MCEC in Prayer, Event Highlights, Mennonite Church Canada Updates, Announcements. Check out the hot buttons to ministry opportunities and pastoral transitions. Administrative Assistants: make sure to see the Bulletin Cut and Paste below. Bookmark this page and check back regularly for updates. New items will begin to appear on Monday and the newsletter will come to your inbox on Wednesday.
MCEC in Prayer
- Please pray for the MCEC community of congregations. This week we pray for Refuge de Paix. Lucy Roca provides pastoral support for this congregation. Pray for this small congregation in Sherbrooke, Quebec.
Please pray for pastors attending the AMBS Pastors and Leaders Conference, Anabaptism at 500: Looking Back, Living Forward, February 17-20. Pray for safety in travel and for renewal through worship as a large group of MCEC pastors gather with others from across North America.
- Pray for our siblings in Mennonite Church USA who are taking legal action that seeks to restore the rights of people of faith to gather, worship and serve without government interference. This is a call to prayer from Mennonite World Conference to our Anabaptist global family of faith.
- In a world filled with chaos, war, and confusion, we pray for peace that transcends understanding. May God help us to be instruments of peace, sharing love and hope in every corner of the earth.
Mennonite Church Canada
International Witness
Peace Foundation-DRC serving amid regional conflict.
Please pray for our brothers and sisters in Eastern DR Congo who are suffering a major humanitarian crisis as rebel fighters violently took over the city of Goma. Mennonite Church Canada partners with Peace Foundation-DRC in the nearby city of Bukavu which is now under threat by the rebels. Peace Foundation-DRC seeks to promote peace and community development through peace-building workshops and children's programming. They serve in an area devastated by over 30 years of conflict and are desperately in need of peace.
Korea Anabaptist Centre reenvisions their future.
Please pray for wisdom, peace, and joy as South Korean Anabaptist Mennonites work together to strengthen their ministry for the next decades. After 20 years of serving a growing Anabaptist community in a rapidly changing Korean church and society, they are reenvisioning the Centre’s work under God’s guidance. Mennonite Church Canada Witness liaison worker, Scott Kim, will be a consultant in this process. Consider donating to this reenvisioning process. Mark your gifts: KAC Reenvisioning.
Climate Action &
Indigenous Relations:
Climate Action
Join the MC Canada Solar Panel Panel.
Join the nationwide conversation between congregations with solar panels and those who are thinking about it via Zoom, April 26, 7:00-8:30 pm CST. Email Sandy Plett <sandyplett@gmail.com> to register and receive a Zoom link.
Indigenous Relations
Pray and act this Valentine's Day!
February 14 is Missing & Murdered Indigenous Women's National Day of Action and Awareness. On this day, activist groups organize around the country to protest class disparity, racism, inequality, and violence against Indigenous peoples. The largest march takes place in Vancouver, BC, and has become a central point for organizing a response to violence in Canadian society. Winnipeg's march starts at 5pm outside the Winnipeg Art Gallery. Search for an event local to you, attend a virtual walk, or learn more
CommonWord Bookstore and Resource Centre
Share these resources in your newsletters, bulletins and social media posts!
CMU Book Launch of the Anabaptist Community Bible. CMU Face2Face Event with John Roth, and Book Launch of the Anabaptist Community Bible - Thursday, February 27, 7:00 PM (CST). In person and livestream.
Book Launch with Michael Pahl. Join Michael Pahl and guests Janessa Nayler-Giesbrecht and Phil Campbell-Enns as we launch The Word Fulfilled: Reading the Bible with Jesus. How did Jesus read his Bible, and what does that mean for how we should read ours? Join us in person or via livestream, buy or borrow the book – https://www.commonword.ca/go/3820
Church Year Calendar. From Advent through Ordinary Time, this unique calendar positions time within the Christian year, and includes scripture, liturgical colour and splendid artwork.
Church Year Resources
Season of Epiphany, Jan. 6 – March 4
Season of Lent, March 5 – April 19
Materials to buy, borrow or access online. Includes Together in Worship resources.
Bulletin Cut and Paste
Administrators: Thank you for sharing the MCEC story with your congregations. Please continue offering valuable feedback on how we can tailor announcements to empower you in your ministry.
- Please pray for the MCEC community of congregations. This week we pray for Refuge de Paix. This week we pray for Refuge de Paix. Lucy Roca provides pastoral support for this congregation. Pray for this small congregation in Sherbrooke, Quebec.
Please pray for pastors attending the AMBS Pastors and Leaders Conference, Anabaptism at 500: Looking Back, Living Forward, February 17-20. Pray for safety in travel and for renewal through worship as a large group of MCEC pastors gather with others from across North America.
- Pray for our siblings in Mennonite Church USA who are taking legal action that seeks to restore the rights of people of faith to gather, worship and serve without government interference. This is a call to prayer from Mennonite World Conference to our Anabaptist global family of faith.
- In a world filled with chaos, war, and confusion, we pray for peace that transcends understanding. May God help us to be instruments of peace, sharing love and hope in every corner of the earth.
- Please pray for the MCEC community of congregations. This week we pray for Refuge de Paix. This week we pray for Refuge de Paix. Lucy Roca provides pastoral support for this congregation. Pray for this small congregation in Sherbrooke, Quebec.
- Did you know that MCEC is hosting our nationwide family of faith for the Mennonite Church Canada Gathering and Youth Gathering on July 2-5, 2025? Read 1 Peter 4:10 and be reminded that EACH GIFT is a valuable part of the church. Join us for intercultural worship at the festival of gifts, inspiring messages, great discussions, a youth gathering, a young adult overnight at Hidden Acres and more. Registration opens on March 5! More information, including a schedule is at https://www.mennonitechurch.ca/
- MCEC is excited to host MC Canada Gathering 2025, at Rockway Mennonite Collegiate, Kitchener. Volunteer Coordinators, Ashley Drudge and Gladys Bender are seeking volunteers of all ages, interested in welcoming and offering hospitality to MC Canada Gathering participants from across Canada. A variety of positions and time slots are available. For more information, please contact gathering@mennonitechurch.ca.
- Lenten Guided Prayer 2025, by the Mennonite Spiritual Directors of Eastern Canada. LGP is a contemplative prayer resource for individuals, small groups and congregations. It provides weekly prayer sheets, an invitation to share with others (in person or online) and opening and closing liturgies for the Lenten season. Click here for more information.
- Did you know that MCEC has a weekly devotional? Released on every Wednesday on our website and through MCEC Connect, Transformed. Inspired. Called. is a devotional series written by a different MCEC pastor each week. Sign up for our weekly newsletter MCEC Connect to get the weekly devotional directly to your inbox.
Nationwide Web-Hub - All MCEC congregations are welcome to join
If you are considering a change to your website, definitely consider the new nationwide web hub. It is much more than a web building tool. Contact Lisa Williams , Director of Communications, for more info.
Click below for information about the features, pricing, testimonials and links to launched websites.
MCEC Connect Subscribe
Subscribe to our weekly bulletin and keep informed of important news, announcements and celebrations!