Video Church-to-Church Conversation - MKC and MC Canada

A conversation between President Desalegn Abebe, Meserete Kristos Church and Doug Klassen, Executive Minister, Mennonite Church Canada. A rich exchange between sister congregations.

Download President Abebe's PowerPoint Slides

Discover the history, strategy and challenges of MKC. Listen to the conversation about social justice and evangelism, leadership training, culture of call and partnership.

"We limit the maximum number of baptized believers in one local church.
We divide it if the number of believers exceeds 500 simply because they are ready to plant a new outreach."
- Desalegn Abebe on church membership and church planting

Meserete Kristos Church is the fastest growing and largest Anabaptist/Mennonite denomination in Mennonite World Conference. For more than 15 years Mennonite Church Canada has supported the development of Meserete Kristos Seminary, which serves as a significant leadership training centre. 

"For us [in MC Canada] to get back to a deep, deep level of prayer again in our churches is so important."
- Doug Klassen on prayer

Recently, Meserete Kristos Church and Mennonite Church Canada have formalized a sister-church relationship with a focus on mutual encouragement, prayer and support in areas of leadership development and church planting. Meserete Kristos Seminary continues to grow and develop as a world-class theological institution. Through the sending of teachers for short-term assignments and supporting ongoing building projects at the Seminary, Mennonite Church Canada seeks to continue to learn and grow together with Meserete Kristos Church.