Video - Rebecca Riek Responds: Where does our Transformation, Inspiration and Calling come from?

Join Rebecca Riek as she responds to Fanosie's sermon from Annual Church Gathering 2023.

Transformation comes from being vulnerable. To be transformed means to be broken into pieces. And then God will come to you and you will hear the voice of God.

I'm inviting us to think beyond ourselves - to take the calling of Jesus and go into the world and transform the word! Are we transforming the world?

Sometimes we don't walk by faith, we walk by sight - and that's a problem. Walk by faith and God will walk with us. Let's reactivate the Holy Spirit. Let's reboot our faith. Let's reboot the Holy Spirit in us.

I have decided to follow Jesus - no turning back.

Rebecca Riek attends First Mennonite Church in Kitchener, ON where she is involved in the Intercultural Committee and leads the South Sudanese Bible Study/Worship Gathering.

“We organize events and plan services that are multicultural, e.g., choosing songs in different languages to sing for worship or praying in different languages,” she said. “I also work within my community as a faith leader to participate in praying during funeral services or events such as baptisms.”

Rebecca is pursuing a Master of Divinity with a major in Christian Faith Formation through AMBS. Rebecca, her husband, and their six children live in Kitchener.