Sparks of Joy, Flickers of Hope

January 10th

A baby shower for 54 babies!!

What comes to pass when a child is born?  
Sparks of joy and flickers of hope as we anticipate and marvel …

Have you ever attended a shower knowing that the newborn you brought a gift for was someone who you most likely would never meet? Have you ever heard of a shower for 54 infants and moms? 

Ardys Brenneman from Steinmann Mennonite Church was inspired by a conversation with her sister who had held a special baby shower at her Port Colbourne church. As Ardys thought about the shower, she recalled a co-worker’s story. This mother, in her escape from communist Poland, gave birth to her son lying on her winter coat in a refugee camp. She had nothing to wrap her baby but a piece of cloth cut from one of her dresses.  

“Dancing inside” describes Ardys’ feelings of joy as her plan started to come together.

Mennonite Central Committee had the answer with their Infant Care Kit Program.  “Dancing inside” describes Ardys’ feelings of joy as her plan started to come together. People caught the spark, and she was encouraged by the strong interest and support. The sparks grew into a flame as people began sewing with care and buying soap bars and safety pins.

After collecting the basic items required for the kits, a group of 31 people aged 2 to 93 years from the Steinmann-St Agatha Mennonite Women Group and New Canadian-Syrian friends gathered for the shower. Here they enjoyed cutting tags from small caps and wee socks, carefully folding sleepers and onesies, and lovingly wrapping the items with soft flannel blankets, imagining the life and hope these gifts would soon hold. The baby shower included tea and goodies and a blessing by Pastor Sara for the recipients and for the kits’ safe journey. 

This Mennonite women’s group invites others to join them as they quilt and knot monthly to send comfort to those in need. 

Even though these 54 infants and moms were not present at the shower, these kits will provide comfort to these South Sudanese babies and hope to their Moms.  

The generosity of this community extended beyond these kits with extra items sent to the local Indigenous elder to distribute to Indigenous mothers needing items, and tens of items were leftover to have on hand for next year’s shower! This Mennonite women’s group invites others to join them as they quilt and knot monthly to send comfort to those in need. 

As these women responded to God’s gift of love revealed in Jesus, this was a joyful occasion! “The happiness expressed by all was amazing!”