MCEC Spending Plan FYE 2025

April 30th

Spending Plan 2024-2025

The 2024-2025 spending plan was presented by MCEC’s new Operations and Finance Director, Laurie Castello. Some key points to note regarding the spending include:

  • MCEC’s 23-24 year end came in $85,669 under the projected $505,811 deficit. We celebrate this result!
  • The 24-25 spending plan projects a $394,261 deficit which is lower again, than this year’s actuals.
  • MCEC relies on church giving to provide about 75% of revenues needed to do our work.
  • Churches can expect to receive a mid-year church giving report as well as some guidance around a recommended formula that they can use as they consider their annual giving to MCEC.

As part of this presentation, gratitude was expressed for the generous giving of individuals, estate giving and congregations.  MCEC is deeply grateful to all who give financial support, including our congregations.  However, it was also named that there is a current challenge of creating a spending plan, with congregational giving decreasing over the last number of years.

From the MCEC Annual Church Gathering.