Oct 21st, 2021Courageous Imagination GTA Gathering


Given the current COVID realities, registration for in-person attendees is limited to those listed in the following categories. Those who don’t meet the requirements to attend in-person events will have an online option to participate.

  • Those who are fully vaccinated, and not showing symptoms of COVID-19. Exception is given to those who cannot be vaccinated due to medical reasons or age restrictions currently in place.

There will be an online zoom meeting for anyone who meets any of the following cases:

  • Those who are living with someone who is self-isolating.
  • Those who have had any of the following symptoms within 14 days prior to the excursion date: fever, new or exacerbated cough, difficulty breathing, muscle aches, fatigue, headache, sore throat, runny nose; or
  • Those who have been in contact with someone who has been diagnosed or who is suspected of having COVID-19 within 14 days prior to the event date

Contact Tracing: If in the case that you or anyone in your household is affected by any of the previous mentioned symptoms, is diagnosed with COVID-19 or is required to quarantine due to the possibility of COVID-19 infection, you would be asked to contact us at yagonfer@mcec.ca immediately so that Public Health can take the necessary steps for tracing and isolating cases. 

COVID-19 Pre-screening Questions must be passed by each person who is attending the event.  Click "Next Step" to complete the COVID-19 Pre-screening Questions. 

Pre-Screening Questions

Please complete the pre-screening questionnaire.   


By clicking the acknowledgement button below I am affirming that:

  • I am fully vaccinated (Exception is given to those who cannot be vaccinated due to medical reasons or age restrictions currently in place)
  • I have completed and passed the self-screening measures (website above) and deem it is safe to attend
  • I am aware of the assumed increased risk in attending this event and that if food or beverages are offered there is even more risk associated and I am free to decline
  • Wearing a mask when moving about or in common areas when casually interacting with fellow participants is the preferred behavior. When seated socially distanced from others masks may be removed (this may vary depending on the local public health guidelines and facility rules)