Nov 6th, 2023TiM (Transitioning into Ministry) Fall Equipping Days 2023

We are excited that you are joining us for the TiM Equipping Days – a journey of forming leaders and building each other up in ministry.

Here is a quick rundown of the commitments we expect of you:

  1. Attendance: We are looking forward to having you fully engaged at the TiM retreat.
  2. Teaching sessions: Your dedication to attending all of them is what will make this journey truly transformative. We are here to learn and grow together!
  3. Coaching: We believe in coaching. To make the most out of this year, please prioritize the coaching sessions. Your progress and development matter, and your coaches are here to support you every step of the way.
  4. Mentoring: We believe in the benefit of mentoring, the transfer of knowledge, insights and advice from a more experienced pastor to a newer to ministry or new to MCEC pastor. Mentoring is an opportunity for personal and professional growth.
  5. Connections: Formal or informal, networking opportunities are chances for personal and professional growth. Let's connect, share, and build a community that thrives together.

We understand that life happens, which may impact your attendance and participation. Your continued participation in every aspect of TiM is of utmost importance. If you need to miss a full retreat, a workshop, or a coaching session (1-2 times a year), we will assess your TiM participation together with your coach. 

Again, we are excited to have you join or re-join for another year of TiM. Each retreat is remarkable for us and we are looking forward to seeing you grow in your ministry over the years to come. 


Meals & Lodging

* Please indicate your dietary choice below. We anticipate your attendance at each meal from Monday dinner to Wednesday lunch. A room has reserved for your overnight stays.