Welcome to the Pastor Learning Circles registration.

We are glad that you have chosen to join us.
If you are continuing in your current circle you do not need to re-register.
If you have any questions or difficulties with this form, please contact Lisa Williams, Director of Communications.

Purpose of the Learning Circle:

The Pastor Learning Circle will be a led and intentional experience where pastors can bring questions, share ideas and explore their call together.  Leaders of these groups hope to explore with you the “why” of your calling and support your journey of faithful leadership.  As we listen to each other and ourselves our belief is that God will inspire us with hope, strengthen our resilience and open our hearts to possibilities.

Group Leaders:  Glyn Jones, Stephen Reist, Steve Drudge


Each of the groups may have a different format or frequency to their meetings depending on the leader and group. A general outline for the groups is that they will meet at minimum quarterly and run for a year. Come expecting to be in a context where we will pray for one another.


Please indicate your top three choices in order of preference by typing them in the box below:

  • Pastors Thinking About Retirement (Glyn Jones)
  • Strengthening the Soul of Your Leadership (Stephen Reist)
  • Spiritual Practices and our Pastoral Call/Ministry (Steve Drudge)