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Apr 28th, 2023Church Planter's Workshop Spring 2023

The Gospel According to Jesus
with Derek Suderman

In this workshop we will look at how the Gospels (especially Matthew and Luke) describe the Gospel, as well as what Jesus rejects as a temptation. In particular, we will explore how Jesus both draws upon and reinterprets previous Scripture (Old Testament). As Mennonite Christians, what does this teach us about what it means to follow after Jesus as his disciples?

Derek Suderman Join Derek Suderman and church planters from across MCEC as we address this important conversation. Derek teaches in both the undergraduate Religious Studies and graduate Master of Theological Studies programs at Conrad Grebel University College and the University of Waterloo. In addition to his textual work as an Old Testament scholar, Suderman explores how diverse cultural and historical contexts inform biblical interpretation and ethical discernment. He enjoys engaging with people in different cultural settings and brings experience teaching groups in Benin, Cuba, Colombia, and Thailand. He is Associate Professor of Religious Studies and Theological Studies at Conrad Grebel University College.