Jun 22nd, 2024Integrating for Mission: Leveraging APEST for Kingdom Impact

Everyone engaged in mission is the dream of every church. Is it possible to have each person living out their gifting/calling for maximum Kingdom impact? Yes! When APEST is integrated into every aspect of ministry and mission, everyone has a role in expressing the fullness of Christ.

Join in as we explore five-fold ministry from Ephesians 4 and how it unlocks the full potential of leadership development, discipleship, mission, and participation. This workshop will include practical tools, stories, and some coaching towards exploring APEST integration in your church.

Key themes for the day include:

  • 5Q Overview
  • 5Q and Discipleship
  • Ministry Activation
  • APEST Design Thinking
  • APEST Team Dynamics

Saturday, June 22nd, 10 AM –  3 PM @ Windsor Mennonite Fellowship (1709 George Ave)

Fee: $20 suggested (but not required) donation to MCEC for this workshop.
People are welcome to bring their own lunch or find food nearby while we break for one hour.
Coffee and snacks will be provided throughout the day.

Contact Rielly McLaren (wmfpastor@gmail.com) or Norm Dyck (ndyck@mcec.ca) for more details.