Jan 8th, 2025 - Jan 14th, 2025AMBS Events & Info
Build leadership skills through Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary’s Practical Leadership Training modules! Modules beginning in March include Being the Church amid Polarization and Conflict; Effective Church Boards; Intercultural Inclusion in the Church; and ¿Quién es mi vecino? Latinos/as Growing in Intercultural Competence (taught in Spanish). Check out our full list of modules: ambs.edu/plt
Online Short Course: Transforming Congregational Conflict and Communication: April 23 – June 3. Join Betty Pries, PhD, CMed, to explore the possibilities and pitfalls of courageously engaging differences within congregational life in this six-week online Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary short course. No grades, no papers! CEUs available. Register by April 2 to save $50. ambs.edu/online-short-courses
Fully online seminary Graduate Certificate in Theological Studies. Develop a customized plan of study that matches your interests in Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary’s fully online 21-credit-hour certificate program. Designed to help you strengthen the biblical and theological foundation for your work, the program is ideal for church leaders, bivocational pastors and other professionals. ambs.edu/certificate