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Feb 28th, 2023Becoming a Restorative Church

Theology, Leadership and Accountability. 

THIS EVENT HAS BEEN POSTPONED. We apologize for the late notice. We are postponing this conversation because we had assumed we would have a draft of the new leadership policy to use as the foundation of this workshop. As always with group writing projects, our timeline was ambitious. We will reschedule this conversation once we have a draft that can guide the conversation. Thanks for your interest in this important conversation. - Marilyn Rudy-Froese, Church Leadership Minister

Pastors, Chaplains, Congregational Leaders Event - Part 2 of 4

MCEC Pastors, Chaplains and Congregational Leaders Events (PCCL) have a long standing history for resourcing and encouraging pastors and leaders. This year the PCCL event has been reimagined into four separate events: January 21, 2023; February 28, 2003; May 11, 2023 and June 3, 2023. Join together to discuss, discover and share what it means to become a restorative church.

God’s solidarity with all who are vulnerable, victimized and traumatized serves to empower relational healing as well as transformational building of the “beloved community” and “peaceable kingdom”. We are asking – What kind of leaders does God challenges us to be?  Pastors, Chaplains and Congregational Leaders are invited to a conversation with Marilyn Rudy-Froese and Doug Klassen about theology, leadership and accountability within MC Canada and MCEC. This conversation will also be translated into French, please indicate if you require translation.

2:00 PM - 3:30 PM 
February, 28, 2023
Free Event
Register Below!

woman smiling outside in red shirt close upMarilyn Rudy-Froese is MCEC Church Leadership Minister. She works closely with pastors and leaders and supports them in their calling, formation and placement as ministers and chaplains throughout MCEC.







man in burgendy shirt smiling outside closeupDoug Klassen is Mennonite Church Canada's Executive Minister. He gives administrative, organizational, relational and spiritual leadership to Mennonite Church Canada.





2023 Pastors, Chaplains and Congregational Leaders series. You do not have to attend each session to take part in any of the sessions. All are welcome. Please join us.