Mar 15th, 2023Walking Together Book Study - Mar 15

Join the MCEC Truth and Reconciliation Working Group in this 4-part book study, Walking Togther: Intercultural Stories of Love and Acceptance.

We will meet every other Wednesday evening from 7 - 9 Eastern time, beginning with the authors, Edith and Neill von Gunten, on Wednesday, February 15.

Register below for the Zoom link.

book cover of ice fishingWalking Together, a collection of stories from the ministry of Edith and Neill von Gunten, illustrates redemptive love in action. Covering almost fifty years of peace and reconciliation work—-from the Black-led civil rights struggles of the 1960s to decades-old relationships with Indigenous peoples on both sides of Lake Winnipeg in Manitoba—-these stories draw similarities between familiar biblical concepts and Ojibwe seven “A Way of Life Teachings.” They model an openness to spiritual knowledge across culture and tradition.

Walking Together invites the church to grapple with questions of racism and Christian supremacy in order to see that all peoples and cultures bear Creator’s beauty and gifts, and that our reconciliation—even our salvation—depends upon embracing that truth.

You can buy Walking Together at CommonWord Bookstore and Resource Centre.


The constituency-based MCEC Truth & Reconciliation Working Group serves the MCEC constituency by promoting awareness and education on specific issues and topics.