Community of Congregations In Action


MCEC walks alongside leaders who are called by God to begin new faith communities, supports existing disciple-making initiatives and nurtures intercultural and global connections.

Join us in this exciting ministry!



Healthy leaders are equipped to nurture healthy congregations. We work closely with pastors, chaplains and congregational leaders as we learn how to "do church" together. Transitioning into Ministry supports new to MCEC pastors to strengthen them so they might thrive in their new position. Mentorship, healthy boundaries and careful evaluation processes are an important part of our life together.

Are you interested in pastoral ministry? Discover more about leadership within MCEC congregations.



Become involved in what is happening in and around MCEC. ReLearning Community is an invitation to your congregation to a two-year disciple making journey. Informed Conversations will assist your congregation to see how they are prepared already and focus on how they will follow God’s encouragement into the future. Working Groups will arise from time to time in MCEC - how might you be involved with the Palestine Israel Network or Truth and Reconciliation working groups?

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