Ministry Events

The Competency Examen is the framework for our Ministry Events and a unique self-reflection toll specifically designed for pastors and leaders in ministry. It is five-step process based on the Ignation Prayer form known as the consciousness Examen.

As an individual, the Competency Examen can be used as a basis for monthly prayer and discernment, for personal and professional growth.

The Competency Examen can also be used in conjunction with peer-to-peer conversation or in small-group meetings.

We have specific events which will help you grow in your core competencies, and while MCCanada and MCUSA has identified six Core Competencies, we will also focus on intercultural ministry as a diverse MCEC family of faith in our Canadian cultural reality.


Learning Commons Guide 2022-23 Upcoming Events

Core Competencies:

Biblical Story      /         Theology        /         Spirituality/Discipleship        /          Emotional Health       /         Leadership        /          Missional Engagement         /           Intercultural Ministry

Upcoming Events

Pastors Fall Retreat 2024

Sep 18th, 2024

As the "new church year" begins, set apart time for reflection and renewal. This is an overnight retreat for pastors.

More details will follow.