Ministry Portfolio

The Ministry Portfolio gives church leaders the unique opportunity to track their spiritual and professional growth. It can help track core competencies for leaders, additional professional development, readings, notes, job searches and more.

The emphasis is on self-reflection. It is only when the person utilizes the Ministry Portfolio for job searches, credentialing, or peer support that some portions of the ministry Portfolio become visible to others.

This tool is designed for use by pastors but it can be used by anyone who wishes to work in this way on their role as a member of the priesthood of all believers.

Why build a ministry portfolio?

There are professional, relational and reflective benefits to curating a ministry portfolio. The ministry portfolio is mostly inward focused informing us where we are spiritually located in our ministry and where we could be going by setting personal and ministry goals.

Template of the Ministry Portfolio

Setting up a Ministry Portfolio that will work for you. It will help you organize your learning, provide you with a database of your credentials and develop a plan for future learning.

Core Competency Examen

This self reflecting tool, based on the Ignation prayer form, can be used alone or within a group to discern once ministry path.